
Stories are at the heart of most businesses. How you got started, why you got started, how you are different are key elements that can convince someone to work with you.

Why Storytelling?

On a personal level, stories are a time-honored way to pass along information or just to get to know someone. How you tell a story says a lot about you. Do you pile on the details or cut right to the chase? Do you know where and how to end your story? Are you sure what story you are trying to tell?

Several years ago for a variety of reasons, I signed up for a storytelling class with Matthew Dicks, who among many things is an accomplished storyteller and also runs a local storytelling group called SpeakUp.

Matt was very helpful in explaining how to evaluate your possible story and, most importantly, what details you should include and which you should set aside.

These techniques can apply to business owners as well. Learning what your story is and how best to tell it to your audience will help in networking settings, client meetings, or when you might be interviewed. I work with my clients to help them craft their stories.

What’s Your Story?

For an example of more personal storytelling, please click on one of the stories below.  These are all stories I’ve told at SpeakUp events in the past.


by Leland Brandt | Speak Up / Kingswood Oxford 3.5.16 "Driven"

The String

by Leland Brandt | Speak Up / Norfolk Infinity Hall 12.1.2016 "Change of Heart"


by Leland Brandt | Speak Up / Real Artways 1.14.17 "Crush"