Digital & Online Marketing

Google, Facebook, websites, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. These are just some of the major platforms where a small business can have a presence. But, which one(s)? Where should your focus be? How much time and money should you put into them? How do you know if they are working?

All Good Questions

If you own a small business, your primary focus should be your business and working with your clients. Attracting new clients is necessary for the health and well-being of any business-owner but figuring out the best option – online or offline – isn’t easy.  Plus, depending on what industry you are in – whether you are a plumber, a lawyer or a CPA or something else – you may have to adjust how you approach your marketing.  

For many years, local newspapers, direct mail, radio, tv and word-of-mouth were the major channels that drove new potential clients your way. With the Internet, those options have expanded dramatically making the choice that much harder.

Google is the 800-pound gorilla in the online search business. Getting on the first page of search results is every business owner’s goal…or should be. Why? Because 75% of people searching on the Internet don’t look past the first page’s results. And that number is probably low. So, what’s a business to do?

Many of our clients aren’t that technically savvy. Or maybe they just don’t have time. Or both. They have questions and issues like:

  • Why is the information about my business that Google shows wrong?
  • How do I deal with a bad review?
  • How do I get more reviews?
  • The person who set up my Google listing isn’t with the company any longer, what do I do?
  • Why should I care about my Google listing?

Our goal is to help you understand the value of well-executed online visibility. This might mean a website that is clear to your customers and Google, what your company does, the region where those services are offered and why someone would choose to work with you. It also might mean taking advantage of the tools that Google and other companies offer to highlight your business listing online.  For example, have you claimed and filled out your Google Business Profile?  Can you still access it?

Either way, we’re here to help you understand your options, figure out which one makes the most sense for your business and help you implement your choices in an impactful way.