Helping Small Businesses Get Business Done

Setting up a website. Ranking on Google. They’re essential for a small business. What if you aren’t sure what to do or how?  And then when do you find the time?

Good questions. If you are asking any of them, we can help.

Our promise to you:  We’ll focus on your goals and develop the approach that works for your business.  Plus, we’ll make sure you understand (in plain English) what we’re doing and why.

Arrange a free, no-obligation 30-minute call to review what you’ve been doing (or what you want to do).

Thinking about starting a website project.  Grab our free website checklist to ensure you get off on the right foot.

We’ve helped launch over 50 websites so far – join amazing brands like these and stand out online.

About TheRD

Since 1999, The Research Department has provided concierge marketing services to small business owners.

Our goal is to help you understand the marketing landscape for your business and clarify your goals. Having that knowledge helps identify the best options to reach those goals and figure out ways to measure how we’re doing along the way.

We collaborate with our clients, learning about your business and your ideal customers, so we can find a good fit for your budget, timeframe, and bandwidth to help your business grow.

Our Services

We provide marketing support for small businesses that want to focus on running their business. Whether you run a law practice, plumbing service, CPA firm, medical office, or manufacture parts for the aerospace industry, there are core elements that almost any small business needs to promote itself.

About TheRD

Since 1999, The Research Department has provided concierge marketing services to small business owners.

Our goal is to help you understand the marketing landscape for your business and clarify your goals. Having that knowledge helps identify the best options to reach those goals and figure out ways to measure how we’re doing along the way.

We collaborate with our clients, learning about your business and your ideal customers, so we can find a good fit for your budget, timeframe, and bandwidth to help your business grow.

Our Services

We provide marketing support for small businesses that want to focus on running their business. Whether you run a law practice, plumbing service, CPA firm, medical office, or manufacture parts for the aerospace industry, there are core elements that almost any small business needs to promote itself.

Our News

Why doesn’t my business rank on Google?

Why doesn’t my business rank on Google?

This is a pretty common question for small business owners in Connecticut and all across the United States.  There isn't a single easy answer, but we're going to explore one of them here.  The short version of what you will read below is the having useful,...