Modern Marketing Techniques for Industries

Digital marketing has many advantages over traditional methods. It is more cost-effective and allows businesses to reach a wider audience while also being more easily targeted to specific audiences.  Plus, it provides instant feedback so companies can track the effectiveness of their campaigns and make adjustments as needed.

Businesses in almost any industry or category that invest in a comprehensive digital marketing strategy can use these techniques to their advantage.  

That sounds great.  How does it apply to my business?

Find your industry below and read on…


Plumbers, electricians, contractors, and painters have different marketing needs than most other businesses. They often rely on word-of-mouth referrals and repeat customers, so their website and marketing materials must reflect that.

These businesses — especially plumbers and electricians — must deal with emergencies. Their websites must be designed to handle such situations by providing clear contact information and easy-to-use forms. As such, marketing for trades must balance emergency service with work on larger projects.

Local search and SEO are essential for trade businesses, and should focus on creating and claiming listings on Google My Business and other local directories. They should also allow business owners to respond quickly to reviews to clear up false impressions and incorrect statements.


Dental marketing has shifted heavily toward online campaigns in recent years, as have many industries. A well-designed website is now essential for attracting new patients. And with so much competition online, dental practices need to invest in solid digital marketing to stand out from the crowd.

Appointment-based businesses can benefit from “click-to-call” ads, where potential customers can reach out right from an ad.

It’s essential to use ad targeting effectively. For example, if research reveals that women make most household decisions regarding dental care, companies can use this information to distribute ads accordingly.


Medical professionals must develop a good reputation in their communities and generate positive patient feelings.

Medical businesses, therefore, should focus on engendering positive relationships between referring physicians, social media outreach, and websites focused on local SEO.

Increased regulations mean that medicine is constantly changing. We can help you navigate these changes and develop effective campaigns marketing for medical professionals of all stripes.


Attorneys need to stand out and demonstrate how they can benefit potential clients. They must be easy to find online and generate leads through their website and digital marketing campaigns.

Credibility is crucial for attorneys. Google Reviews, case studies, and blog posts can help build trust with potential clients. For this reason, marketing for lawyers involves community outreach and thought leadership.

Attorneys must be careful not to make false or misleading statements in their marketing materials. They should also avoid using scare tactics. We can help develop ethical and effective marketing strategies.


We offer discounted rates for certified 501c3 not-for-profit organizations.

Non-profits have different marketing needs than for-profit businesses, frequently relying on donations and grants. A well-designed website with effective Calls to Action (CTAs) can be a powerful tool for generating donations.

Locating volunteers is a common challenge when developing marketing for non-profits. Directors and marketing professionals can use digital marketing to reach out to potential volunteers and promote their causes. For example, Facebook ads can target people who live near the non-profit and have interests that align with its mission.

Similarly, graphic design should focus on branding that appeals to current and potential donors. A successful digital marketing strategy will drive traffic to the website and generate donations through effective SEO.


Manufacturers sell to businesses, including resalers and wholesalers. Their marketing efforts should therefore be centered on reaching these companies.

Manufacturing involves extended sales cycles, meaning lead nurturing is essential. A well-designed website can help keep manufacturing businesses top of mind with potential buyers.

Depending on the specialty, a manufacturer may not gain much from organic web traffic. A paid search strategy may be the most effective way to reach buyers.

We can help coordinate photography and videos to bring products to life and put companies in the best possible light.

CPAs and Financial Professionals

Many CPAs and financial professionals draw people to their sites with answers to common questions. This helps establish credibility and builds trust with potential clients.

Through reviews and testimonials, social media can also show potential clients that CPAs and financial professionals are trustworthy, helpful, and knowledgeable.

We understand the regulations surrounding marketing for financial professionals, and we can help develop an effective marketing strategy that complies with industry regulations.

Specialized Marketing for Diverse Industries

Marketing for different industries requires specialized knowledge and skills.

At The Research Department, we have extensive experience in marketing services for various industries. Our team can help create a website and digital marketing campaigns that effectively reach a target audience and generate leads.

We understand the unique needs of each industry and will work to create a strategy that meets those needs.