by nimda | Feb 10, 2021 | General Marketing, Websites, Writing/Blogging
TLDR: Thinking about the questions that your prospective clients and current clients ask on the phone is a great way to identify blog topics. If you hear the same questions several times in a month (or find yourself saying the same thing over that period), those are...
by nimda | May 25, 2020 | General Marketing, Writing/Blogging
If your website lacks a strong blog section, you could be missing out on multiple opportunities to expand your business. Ask yourself these questions: Are you informed and passionate about your industry, service, and/or product? Do you stay on top of changing trends,...
by nimda | Jan 17, 2020 | General Marketing, Writing/Blogging
There are so many businesses that advertise on the Internet that it’s practically impossible to understand how they do it. Some use paid advertisements, others use social media networks and even more make videos that tie into third-party sales sites. Unless...
by nimda | Jan 8, 2015 | Writing/Blogging
I’m not sure what caused me to be so compulsive about better writing skills, especially as I look at someone’s writing skills when I receive an email, letter or look at a flyer. It might have been my 9th grade English teacher who savaged pretty much...